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aptosid now has more mirrors for better access to the ISOs, kernels and the debian repository. Please use the closest mirror. Mirrors with deb lines are updated directly and can be used in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aptosid.list. If anyone can provide additional download mirrors, especially in the pacific region, or either coast of the US, it would be appreciated.

Please contact us if you're able to provide a mirror capable of enduring heavy volume ISO downloads.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: Please burn DAO. aptosid, as a Linux LIVE-CD, is based on high compression technology, and because of that, special care is needed when burning the ISO image. Only use high quality CD-media [or DVD+RW] and burn in DAO-mode (disk-at-once) and not faster than 8x.

Download URLs, please give the mirrors some time to sync:


North America

South America



Our thanks go to all mirror hosters for their efforts regarding aptosid.