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Official Support at IRC

Click the "aptosid IRC" icon at your desktop or use your favorite IRC client (there are many, aptosid comes with Konversation or xchat and Irssi already pre-installed), using the following settings: 

  • Network:
  • Port: 6667
  • Channel: #aptosid

Alternatively, you may use browser based IRC:

Usage Policy:

#aptosid is our main support channel, everyone is welcome there who needs support with aptosid - or is willing and able to support other users. Provide the info you are asked for, and make use of external services (pastebin) if you post more than 3 lines. After asking please be patient, it might take a while until a supporter will have time to help you.

The channel language in the main is English and other languages are welcome. Please understand that people from all over the world are using the channel, and abusing the channel for private or off topic talk is unfriendly and lacking respect for those other users. We do provide several other channels (please see listing below) with a more relaxed policy, some of them dedicated to off topic social talk.

As a supporter, please try to be precise and helpful, avoid guessing and confusion. Help our users to find solutions for future problems on their own in our manuals and the forums. If you do not know proper solutions to support questions, please do not answer them. If you are in a bad mood or tired, better stay away from answering questions.

Rude behavior, personal attacks, offending language, ongoing abuse for off-topic talk, and any kind of spam or commercial promotion is not tolerated. People who continue to abuse the channel after being warned and pointed to this very page will be temporary removed. You may contact one of our moderators in the support forums via private message for any questions regarding this policy.

Many newcomers are directed into the channel via the link we provide at the aptosid desktop. Some of them are using IRC the first time in their life, so be friendly and patient with them. You may help them making use of our Bot Aynos, or point them to fitting pages in our official manuals.

Thank you for making our support channel a friendly and effective place.

Besides the official support channel, we provide several specialized channels:

  • #aptosid-art - the aptosid art & design team
  • #aptosid-docs - aptosid documentation, translation
  • #aptosid-mirror - co-ordination of aptosid mirrors
  • #aptosid-lxde - the aptosid LXDE community
  • #aptosid-gnome - the aptosid gnome community
  • #aptosid-pt_br - the Brazilian speaking aptosid community
  • #aptosid-it - the Italian speaking aptosid community
  • #aptosid-fr - the French speaking aptosid community
  • #aptosid-pub - our offtopic/fun hangout for aptosid users
Additionally, you might find several privately run temporary support and special interest channels related to aptosid.