I am having a weird problem with sound. I'm trying to do some recordings, but the sound coming in "mic" in in the sound card come through (to the speakers and when recording) even when the volumes are turned all the way down on both alsamixer and pavucontrol:
Alsa mixer (PulseAudio): http://www.math.utk.edu/~finotti/tmp/am_pa.png
Alsa mixer (Xonar): http://www.math.utk.edu/~finotti/tmp/am_xonar.png
Pavucontrol (input): http://www.math.utk.edu/~finotti/tmp/pavucontrol.png
(There is an entry of Pod X3 in pavucontrol, but I've unplugged it to test.)
I get sound through the speaker just tapping at the cable. And, again, I can record it (in Ardour). The sound meter in pavucontrol does not move at all, but the input meter or Ardour does. (I can slide it down to zero there.)
Here is the sound card:
$ inxi -A
Audio: Card-2 C-Media CMI8788 [Oxygen HD Audio] driver: snd_oxygen
Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.9.0-4.slh.1-aptosid-amd64
Some more on the system:
$ inxi -v3
System: Host: debian Kernel: 4.9.0-4.slh.1-aptosid-amd64 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 6.3.0) Console: tty 14
Distro: aptosid 2013-01 Ἑσπερίδες - kde-full - (201305050307)
Machine: Device: desktop System: ASUS product: All Series
Mobo: ASUSTeK model: Z87-PRO v: Rev 1.xx UEFI: American Megatrends v: 1707 date: 12/13/2013
CPU: Quad core Intel Core i7-4771 (-HT-MCP-) cache: 8192 KB
flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 vmx) bmips: 28834
clock speeds: max: 3900 MHz 1: 2912 MHz 2: 2540 MHz 3: 1951 MHz 4: 3500 MHz 5: 3500 MHz 6: 3241 MHz
7: 3427 MHz 8: 3457 MHz
Graphics: Card: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller bus-ID: 00:02.0
Display Server: X.org 1.19.1 driver: intel tty size: 133x74 Advanced Data: N/A out of X
Network: Card-1: Intel Ethernet Connection I217-V driver: e1000e v: 3.2.6-k port: f080 bus-ID: 00:19.0
IF: eth0 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: e0:3f:49:a3:4c:a6
Card-2: NetGear WNA1100 Wireless-N 150 [Atheros AR9271] driver: ath9k_htc usb-ID: 003-003
IF: wlx4c60de719837 state: N/A mac: N/A
Drives: HDD Total Size: 9257.9GB (51.6% used)
ID-1: model: WDC_WD10EALS
ID-2: model: Samsung_SSD_840
ID-3: model: WDC_WD20EARX
ID-4: model: WDC_WD20EARX
ID-5: model: WDC_WD40EZRX
Info: Processes: 316 Uptime: 7:21 Memory: 5988.8/15737.1MB Init: systemd runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 6.3.0
Client: Shell (bash 4.4.71) inxi: 2.3.5
$ lsmod | grep snd
snd_seq_dummy 1467 2
snd_seq 45208 7 snd_seq_dummy
snd_oxygen 15438 3
snd_oxygen_lib 28917 1 snd_oxygen
snd_hda_codec 84071 0
snd_mpu401_uart 5763 1 snd_oxygen_lib
snd_rawmidi 17932 1 snd_mpu401_uart
snd_hda_core 44481 1 snd_hda_codec
snd_seq_device 3240 2 snd_seq,snd_rawmidi
snd_hwdep 5930 1 snd_hda_codec
snd_pcm 78327 4 snd_oxygen_lib,snd_hda_codec,snd_hda_core
snd_timer 19353 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
snd 56967 17 snd_oxygen_lib,snd_oxygen,snd_hwdep,snd_seq,snd_hda_codec,snd_timer,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm
soundcore 5283 1 snd
Any help would be greatly appreciated! |